Auction No. 44 of Enakor Auction House is the first auction in Bulgaria on the subject of the Bulgarian monarchy. It is dedicated to the family of Ferdinand I of Bulgaria and gives the opportunity to take a closer look at the monarchic family, to get in touch (in some cases almost intimately) with its personalities, world and history, through 129 artefacts. Some of the items in the auction are collected as single artefacts, but for the most part they belong to thematic and category collections. The largest category collection consists of 84 photographs (lots 1-84). The second largest collection is of memorabilia objects (associated with a specific person), numbering 19 (lots 93, 95, 97-99, 102-104, 106-113, 115, 128-129). In third place are the works of fine, decorative and applied art, which include 15 artefacts (fine art – lots 36, 85, 87, 100, 101; decorative art – 86, 88-92; applied art – lots 94, 96, 105, 114). Printed editions in the auction are 7 items (lots 116-121, 126-127). Another 4 letters and invitations are included (lots 122-125).
We decided to organize an auction on this topic for two occasions. First, we wanted to honour the historical event of the transfer of the remains of Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria from Coburg to Sofia and their burial in the crypt of the Vrana Palace, which happened on May 29 this year. Secondly, we wanted to commemorate the 130th anniversary of the birth of Tsar Boris III.
In the first part of the article, we presented the personality of Tsar Ferdinand as well as the works of fine, decorative and applied art that are included in the auction. In the second part, we will present the lots of the photographs, the photographers, as well as the prints, letters and invitations included in the auction.
Photographs are the most numerous artefacts in Auction No. 44. Portraits of members of the royal family predominate among them. The ruler Ferdinand I ranks first in the collection of photographs. As Knyaz, he is represented in lots Nos. 6-11, 28-30, 32, 35, 37-39. As Tsar, he is portrayed in lots Nos. 40, 48-57. Autographs accompany many of his photographic portraits. The monarch’s mother, Knyagina Clementina, is present in lots Nos. 1, 2, 5. Wedding and family portraits of Knyaz Ferdinand and Marie-Louise are offered in lots Nos. 14-16. Knyagina Marie-Louise is portrayed in lots Nos. 12-13, 18-20, 22, 26, with only the last portrait accompanied by her autograph and set in a frame with a bronze venzеl. The most precious and most unusual photograph is that of her deathbed, lot No. 27, arranged with herbarized flowers from her funeral. It is mounted in an original frame, made in Paris, and dated in silver letters with the date of her death, 19/31 January 1899. Queen Eleonora is portrayed in lots Nos. 41-45. All of her photographs, except No. 44, are accompanied by autographs, some are monogrammed, and the framed ones also bear the queen’s venzеl.
Portraits of Ferdinand’s heirs, Princes Boris and Cyril, are in lots Nos. 23-25, 63-64, one of them autographed by Knyaginya Marie-Louise. Children’s and youth portraits of Prince Boris of Tarnovo are presented in lots Nos. 58-62, 73, some of which are autographed by the child. The one with the wide-brimmed hats, No. 64, is interesting among the portraits of the two princes (Nos. 63-64) because of Prince Boris’s attribute, the cross, presented to him by the Russian Emperor at his anointing. A child portrait of Prince Cyril Preslavsky is presented in lot No. 66. General photographs of Ferdinand’s four children – Princes Boris and Cyril, Princesses Evdokia and Nadezhda, can be found in lots Nos. 67, 70. Children’s photographs of Princesses Evdokia and Nadezhda are presented in lots Nos. 68-69, some with children’s autographs.
A portrait of Princess Evdokia in adulthood is lot No. 71, and a curious photograph from the opening of an exhibition of her watercolours at the Aksakov Gallery in 1938 is offered in lot No. 72. Accompanying the latter photograph are three colour postcards with reproductions of watercolours by the Princess, who is known to have been a talented artist and patron of the arts (Princess Evdokia Exhibition).
Joint photographs of members of Ferdinand’s royal family and courtiers are presented in Nos. 3, 4, 21. The interesting persons recognizable in the photograph in No. 4 from the garden of the palace at Euxinograd, besides Prince Ferdinand and Princess Clementina, are Sultana Racho Petrova and Dimitar Stanchov. In the photograph with No. 21, in the Euxinograd Palace, are immortalized Princess Marie-Louise with her dog, Count Robert de Bourbolon, Sultana Racho Petrova.
Joint photographs of members of the royal family with public officials, clergymen and public figures, on important historical events or holidays, can be found in lots 31, 33-34, 46, 47. Lot 31 presents a photograph of the opening of the IX Ordinary Parliament in 1896. The recognizable persons in the foreground are Knyaz Ferdinand, Prime Minister Konstantin Stoilov, and the Archbishop of Dorostol and Cherven Grigoriy. In photographs Nos. 33-34, which capture Prince Boris of Tarnovo’s birthday as he enters adolescence, we can recognize Knyaz Ferdinand with Princes Boris and Cyril, Archbishops Nathanael of Plovdiv, Parthenius of Sofia, and Basil of Dorostol and Cherven; and Generals Danail Nikolaev and Paprikov. Postcards accompany the photographs from the same event. In the photograph No. 46 Knyaz Ferdinand, together with Princes Boris and Cyril, participate in a celebration of the Legionary Guard Cavalry Regiment. In the photograph of Lot No. 47 for the celebrations of the first anniversary of the declaration of Independence in 1909, Tsar Ferdinand, Tsarina Eleonora, Princes Boris and Cyril, Prime Minister Alexander Malinov, Archbishop Antim of Tarnovo, Bishop Joseph of Dragovita, and others are in the foreground. A printed postcard from the event is enclosed with the photograph. Lot No. 52 is intriguing, with a photograph of the Tsar-Father after a meeting with King Fuad I of Egypt, and his ministers, which took place near Cairo on 3 March 1930. Lot No. 75 presents a joint photograph with Tsar Boris ΙΙΙ on an unknown occasion.
The auction also includes a small number of photographs of the family of Tsar Boris III. Portraits of Tsar Boris III are lots Nos. 74, 76-77, some with autographs. The only portrait of Tsarina Joanna is in lot No. 84. Infant portraits of Princess Marie-Louise and Prince Simeon of Tarnovo, with inscriptions by Tsarina Joanna and Tsar Boris ΙΙΙ, are lots Nos. 78-79. Double portraits of Prince Simeon of Tarnovo and Princess Maria-Luisa, with graphic design and dedication by Tsarina Joanna, and with inscription by Boris ΙΙΙ, are offered in lots Nos. 80 and 82. Photographs of the whole of Boris III’s royal family are lots Nos. 81 and 82, the latter autographed by Tsar Boris III.
A small number of the photographs (16 in number) are works of Western European photographic studios, in Austria-Hungary, France and Germany, such as “Victor Angerer”, Vienna, Austria-Hungary (Nos. 1-2); Leopold Adler (No. 6); “Hof-Atelier Adele”, Vienna, Austria-Hungary (No. 12); “E. Uhlenhuth”, Coburg, Germany (Nos. 13, 16, 32, 39); “Carl Pielzner”, Vienna, Austria-Hungary (Nos. 14, 58); “Max Harth”, in Hal in Tirol, Austria-Hungary (No. 15); “Koller Karoly tanar”, Budapest, Austria-Hungary (Nos. 7-8, 10); Eug. Pirou, Paris, France (No. 35); “A. Guesquin”, Paris, France (No. 62).
The majority of the royal photographs in the auction are works of Bulgarian photographers and photographic studios. The following studios took single shots (5 in number). “Cavra” Studio, Plovdiv (No. 5), is owned by Dimitar Cavra, who worked between 1860 and 1900. He was a court photographer to both Knyaz Ferdinand and the King of Greece (Boyadjieva 2010). The other studios with single photographs are “A. Vladikov” (see Alexander Vladikov 1874-1942; see Daskalov), Sofia (№37); Georgi Hristov (№46); Pencho Balkanski (№75) – artist photographer, painter and graphic artist who lived in 1908-1985, with numerous exhibitions and awards abroad (see Pencho Balkanski; Tomchev 2018); M. Kurtz, Sofia (№78), who was also a court photographer.
Most of the photographs (22) are by the famous Karastoyanov family. Studio “Iv. А. Karastoyanov”, Sofia, is marked on 19 photographs (№ 9, 11, 19-20, 24-25,28-30, 40, 44, 60, 63-67, 70, 73-74); “D. А. Karastoyanov”, Sofia, is marked as the author of 3 photographs (№18, 43, 61); one photograph is by “Boncho Karastoyanov” (№82).
The photographers of the Karastoyanov family are the founders of photography in Bulgaria (Boev 1983). According to Mariana Tsvetkova, “Without the Karastoyanov dynasty of photographers we would not know what Vasil Levski, Panayot Hitov looked like, we would not witness the life of the royal family …, we would not know about the elite of the Third Bulgarian State. For the four generations of masters of the lens have bequeathed to us the faces of the most famous figures who charted the destiny of Bulgaria …” (Tsvetkova 2012). The history of the famous Karastoyanov family begins with Nikola Karastoyanov (1778 – 1874) from Samokov, who was the founder of book printing in Bulgaria, a publisher and dealer in books and prints, himself an artist-engraver and teacher (Topaldzhikova 2017). He made a major contribution to the development of printing and engraving on wood and copper during the Bulgarian Revival (see Nikola Karastoyanov; Ivanov 2012) – he imported a printing press illegally from Serbia and used it secretly, at first more for engravings, long before he was allowed to print books (Topaldzhikova 2017). His son was the first Bulgarian photographer Anastas Karastoyanov (Boev 1983).
Anastas Karastoyanov, see Simeonova 2010 The family of Anastas Karastoyanov in Belgrade, 1867, see Anastas Karastoyanov in blog “My Bulgarian history”
Anastas Karastoyanov (1822-1880) learned to make stamps engraved on stones (glyptics) under the Samokov master goldsmith Dimitar Gerov-Antikarya (Dimitrov 2018:415-420) and to printmaking under J. Praynin of Baden-Baden, who lived in Samokov (Gospodinov 2020; see Anastas Karastoyanov). He continued with classes in icon painting. At the beginning of the 1840s, he took the title of ‘zoographer-halkographer’, i.e. master of matrices for prints. He gradually developed his own style of engraving technique. He worked in his father Nikola Karastoyanov’s printing house and helped him cut prints. Ke also appeared as a zoographer of icons, which he then turned into prints. In 1848, he compiled “Erminia”, considered the first Bulgarian manual on graphics and printing in Bulgaria. In 1863, with the help of Anastas Jovanović (a Serbian graphic artist, painter and photographer of Bulgarian origin, then Hofmarshal to Prince Michael Obrenović), he studied photography and became court photographer to Prince Michael Obrenović in the period 1862-1865 (Topaldzhikova 2017; Gospodinov 2020).
Anastas Karastoyanov provides his home in Belgrade for secret meetings of the Second Bulgarian Legion and Karavelov’s Bulgarian Revolutionary Committee. Vasil Levski, Angel Kanchev, Panayot Hitov and Deddo Ilyu stayed at his house (Topaldzhikova 2017). His frequent meetings with Levski in 1867 left for future generations 3 of the 7 photographs of the Apostle that have come down to us (see Tsaneva 2012). He also photographed other Bulgarian revolutionaries – Stefan Karadzha, Panayot Hitov, Angel Kanchev, Ilyo Voyvoda, Rakovski, Lyuben Karavelov, Vidul Stransky (Tsaneva 2012; Ivanov 2012; Topaldzhikova 2018a). When he settled in Sofia, he opened a studio-company, “Karastoyanov Brothers”. In Sofia, Anastas Karastoyanov made a photographic session of Knyaz Alexander Battenberg (Svet magazine 2017).
After the death of Anastas Karastoyanov, his sons Ivan and Dimitar, who are the authors of the largest number of photographs in the current auction, continue to work together in his studio, where they specialize in portrait photography. Dozens of their portraits and photographs have been preserved, extremely masterful, made with the aesthetic flair, elegance and finesse that we notice in their works in the auction. They also produced postcards (Tsvetkova 2012; Dimitar Karastoyanov). The Karastoyanov Brothers studio became a preferred meeting place for the political and spiritual elite of the capital (Svet magazine 2017). Sixteen years after their father’s death, his sons separated – each to his own studio.
Ruzha Simeonova writes about them (Simeonova 2010): “They actually documented our post-liberation history and left for the generations portraits of our politicians and statesmen – of Knyaz Alexander, then of Knyaz Ferdinand; they photographed a lot of schoolchildren and officers. Thanks to them we have photographs of senior officers of the General Staff. Again thanks to them, we actually have the pictorial memory of our past. Each of them has his own handwriting as a photographer. For myself, I had named one of them ‘the master’ and the other ‘the poet’, because there is a softness in Dimitar’s photographs, something very artistic, something very poetic. He manages to position the figures in his photographs in such a way that the silent images of the photographs speak and send out messages.“
Ivan Karastoyanov (Simeonova 2010) Business card of Ivan Karastoyanov (Simeonova 2010) Backside of Ivan Karastoyanov’s photographs in the auction
Ivan Anastasov Karastoyanov (1853-1922) is the photographer with the largest number of works in the current auction. He first studied photography in his father Anastas’s studio in Belgrade and specialized in Vienna (see Ivan Karastoyanov). He returned to his native Samokov in 1872 with the intention of organizing a photography class. Together with his father, they wrote a manuscript manual on photography for this class (Simeonova 2010). At the end of 1872, he was summoned by the Ottoman authorities to photograph those arrested at the trial of Vasil Levski, but according to his memoirs, he was not allowed to photograph Levski himself at the trial (Simeonova 2010). He participated as a volunteer in the Serbo-Turkish War. After the declaration of the Russo-Turkish War of Liberation, the Karastoyanov family returned to Bulgaria (Boev 1983).
After he stopped working with his brother in his father’s studio, Ivan Karastoyanov built a house and a new studio (Simeonova 2010) at 929 Samokovska Street (now 16 Graf Ignatiev Street, Slaveykov Square – see Topaldzhikova 2017). As a court photographer, Ivan Karastoyanov had the privilege of naming his studio “First” (Ivanov 2012). Among his valuable photographs, apart from those of the royal family, as represented by most of the numerous photographs in the auction, stand out the portraits of the following statesmen, public figures and intellectuals: Archbishop Gervasii of Sliven, Bishop of Lefki, Prince Dondukov-Korsakov, Count Ignatiev, Simeon Radev, Dragan Tsankov, Todor Burmov, Zachary Stoyanov, Prince Battenberg, Stefan Stambolov, Petko R. Slaveykov, Neofit Rilski, Ivan Vazov, Mara Belcheva, Bistra Vinarova, Dr. Krastyu Krastev, Dr. Ivan Shishmanov, Peyo Yavorov, Mina Todorova, Lora Karavelova, the mayors of Sofia; Aleko Konstantinov on an outing with friends near the Kokalyan Monastery; General Danail Nikolaev and others (Tsvetkova 2012; Ivanov 2012). Ivan Karastoyanov published many everyday scenes and landscapes from Bulgaria in the magazines “Svetlina”, ” Hudozhnik” and others. In 1898, he photographed 140 living participants in the April Uprising (Simeonova 2010), as well as the historical places in Panagyurishte, Eledzhik, Koprivshtitsa. Also valuable are his photographs of the Plovdiv Exhibition in 1892, during which he arranged the first photo exhibition in Bulgaria; photographs of the opening of the Great National Assembly in Veliko Tarnovo, the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the April Uprising, military manoeuvres, monuments, etc. (Ivanov 2012).
Ivan Karastoyanov took photographs of theatrical scenes based on the novel “Under the Yoke” by the actors of the Sofia drama troupe “Tear and Laughter”, which were drawn by the artists Antoni Piotrovsky, Josef Oberbauer, Ivan Murkvicka and Anton Mitov to be printed as illustrations in the first independent edition of 1894 (Ivanov 2012).
Ruzha Simeonova tells a fascinating story about the capture of Ivan Karastoyanov by robbers (Simeonova 2010). In the summer of 1888, as a court photographer, he was invited by Knyaz Ferdinand to go to Rila Monastery and capture the royalty during his visit. On the way, near the present-day town of Rila, the Nikolov brothers’ gang kidnapped him and his servant Lazar Ivanov. For 17 days, they held them captive, demanding a ransom. At the trial, Ivan Karastoyanov testified in defense of his captors, because while he was captured they became friends and they let him go without ransom (Simeonova 2010). In the archive of the National Library “St. Cyril and Methodius, there are desperate letters for help from the captivity and a manuscript of Ivan Karastoyanov “Seventeen Days in the Haiduk’s Hands”, where there is his photo with the kidnappers, which the photographer himself took (Simeonova 2010).

Dimitar Karastoyanov (Simeonova 2010) Family of Dimitar Karastoyanov with his sons, see Bozhidar Karastoyanov, photo Wikipedia
Dimitar Anastasov Karastoyanov (1856-1919), who has three photographs in the auction, also studied photography in Belgrade with his father Anastas, like his brother (see Dimitar Karastoyanov). His studio “Photographic Art Establishment” was located on Alabin Street (Simeonova 2010), then on Av. “Tsar Osvoboditel” and the corner with “6 September Street”. The writer Konstantin Konstantinov writes about it in his memoirs “A Way Through the Years”: “In the wide window of Karastoyanov’s renowned photographic studio were exhibited portraits of Sofia notables, generals, beauties“. During the Stambolov regime, he fell into disgrace (Boev 1983:107; Tsvetkova 2012) and moved to Plovdiv for four years. As he did not accept Ferdinand’s invitation to make portraits of the royal family, he was also temporarily imprisoned in the Bachkovo Monastery for “insulting the majesty” (Ivanov 2012).
Among Dimitar Karastoyanov’s photographs of historical significance are the portraits of Ivan Vazov, Todor G. Vlaikov, Konstantin Irechek, Stoyan Zaimov, Todor Minkov, Vasil Drumev; group portrait of Ivan Evstatiev Geshov, Dr. Georgi Yankulov, Dr. Haralambi Sarmadzhiev and Evlogy Puliev; Hristo G. Danov, Dr. Georgi Stransky and others (Topaldzhikova 2018a). Of ethnographic value are his photographs of villagers from different parts of Bulgaria. His work is the first album about Sofia and its surroundings, published in 1912 (Ivanov 2012; Svet magazine 2017).
As one of the first war correspondents (Tsvetkova 2012) Dimitar Karastoyanov captured many images from the Balkan War. He used a camera with a telephoto lens – something rare for that time. His photos of the first combat flight of the Bulgarian Air Force at Adrianople travelled around the world, through publications in The Daily Mirror, Illustrated London News, and the French “Illustration”. Recognition of his photographic skill is the Medal for Science and Art (1886) and the Honorary Diploma from the Plovdiv Exhibition in 1892 (Ivanov 2012).
Two of Dimitar Karastoyanov’s sons – Boncho (Bogdan) Dimitrov Karastoyanov (1899-1962) and Bozhidar Dimitrov Karastoyanov (1903-1956) – continue the tradition of the family (see Dimitar Karastoyanov). Bozhidar Karastoyanov studied and specialized in photography in Paris, where he worked in the studio of the Parisian photographer Manuel Frere, and then in Vienna (see Bozhidar Karastoyanov; Svet magazine 2017), and also became a court photographer – of Tsar Boris ΙΙΙ. He was the only one to be granted the right to record with a camera the wedding of Boris and Queen Joanna of Savoy in Assisi (Tzvetkova 2012). As a cinematographer, he shot several short documentary sketches (see Bozhidar Karastoyanov; Svet magazine 2017).
Boncho Karastoyanov, who is the author of one photograph in the auction, graduated from Robert College in Constantinople. He studied photochemistry at the Charlottenburg University of Technical Sciences in Berlin and art photography in Paris, where he worked at the renowned photography studio “Valérie”. He returned to Bulgaria and, like his brother, became court photographer to Tsar Boris III (see Boncho Karastoyanov). His photographs found a place on the pages of the European and world press. He was one of the four photographers who initiated nude photography in Bulgaria and one of the first to take colour photographs of plates (see Boncho Karastoyanov). Valuable as a historical memory are his photographs capturing the victorious march of the Bulgarian troops in Dobrudzha and their welcome in the town of Dobrich after the signing of the Craiova Peace Treaty in 1940. His was the first Bulgarian “Handbook of Photography”, 1936 (Ivanov 2012) According to the historian of Bulgarian photography Petar Boev, “Boncho is the last and the most talented of the three generations of Karastoyanov photographers”. He became a cinematographer at Bulgarian Cinematography and shot numerous Bulgarian films for 20 years (Svet magazine 2017).
Among the memorabilia related to the royal family, the most exquisite and valuable artefact is the silver enamel frame for photography (lot No. 93), presented to Prince Ferdinand on the occasion of the laying of the first stone of the Military Club in Ruse in 1890. The Knyaz gave personal funds for the construction of this military club.
Included in the auction are: silver-plated utensils (forks No. 95) with the personal coat of arms of Tsar Ferdinand and porcelain dishes (cups and saucers for coffee with the images of Knyaz Ferdinand and Knyaginya Marie-Louise – Nos. 98-99, a plate with the image of Tsar Ferdinand No. 103), metal plates and trays from the royal palace with engraved coats of arms or royal images (Nos. 107-109, 112). You will be able to bid for a silver snuffbox with green enamel and the venzel of Tsarina Eleonora (№97), a cigarette box with the image of Tsar Ferdinand (№102), an “Omega” pocket watch with the venzel of Tsar Boris III (№104), a gold lipstick tube belonging to Tsarina Joanna engraved with the Bulgarian royal crown (no. 106), boxes with royal images or attributes, produced by court suppliers (nos. 110-11). Textile items include officer’s blankets with a monogram of Tsar Boris III (nos. 113, 115) and a triangular hat. Of particular interest is the triangular hat, part of the royal coachman’s uniform, made of silver cloth, ostrich feathers, and leather, and decorated with brass gilt fittings with the personal coat of arms of Tsar Ferdinand in lot 128.
The different lot No. 129 from the group of objects-memorabilia are the furniture from the room of Princess Evdokia in the family estate in Coburg. The King-Father lived in this residence after his abdication. Princess Evdokia donated the furniture to King Ferdinand’s lawyer. The original letter from Princess Evdokia to Her Dr. Forkel is enclosed with the furniture.
The royal auction of Enacor Auction House also includes several printed editions. Lots No. 127 and 126 are books in German about Ferdinand of Bulgaria, published in Berlin – “Ferdinand I. Koenig der Bulgarien“, 1911, by Paul Lindenberg and “Ferdinand von Bulgarien“, 1931, by Hans Roger Madol. We offer three books from the Royal Library (Nos. 116-117), one of which is a guide to Japan. Of interest is the album of European royalty from the late 19th and early 20th centuries (No. 118), which includes photographs of Knyaginya Marie-Louise and Boris as a child. Among the printed publications are ten issues of the newspapers “Edin Zavet” (No. 119) and “National Bulgaria” (No. 120) from the 1950s, as well as an issue of the Italian magazine “Settimo Giorno” covering the wedding of Tsar Simeon II and Tsarina Margarita in 1962 (No. 121). Letters from members of the royal family (from Prince Cyril, the Tsar-Father), as well as invitations to events, are included in lots Nos. 122-125.
In addition to delving into the past, exploring and vividly touching the pages of history, this auction offers connoisseurs and collectors the opportunity to add to their collections a large number of photographs, works of art or memorabilia related to members of the royal families of the Bulgarian dynasty of Ferdinand I of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Many of the photographs bear autographs and dedications written personally by the portrayed, including child autographs of the royal heirs. Many of the artifacts are extremely rare, and some are one-of-a-kind specimens of high museum value. Several of the lots have their twins in Bulgarian museum exhibitions. All the artworks and objects in the auction are in excellent condition and are accompanied by additional information about their stories. Each artifact is a priceless part of Bulgarian history and culture, which we have a duty to preserve and pass on to the next generations of Bulgarians.
Rositsa Gicheva-Meimari, PhD
Senior Assistant Professor in the Art History and Culture Studies Section and member of the Bulgarian-European Cultural Dialogues Center at New Bulgarian University
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